2020 Oct. 12.
2020 Oct. 11.
arib std-b25暗号化テレビ放送ファイルの復号
YANO's digital garage - ARIB B25復号処理 より
$ sudo aptitude install zip pkg-config libpcsclite-dev pkg-config
$ wget http://hg.honeyplanet.jp/pt1/archive/c44e16dbb0e2.zip
$ unzip c44e16dbb0e2.zip
$ cd pt1-c44e16dbb0e2/arib25
$ make
$ sudo make install
#!/bin/bash # 2020 Oct. 12. # 2020 Oct. 11. # Ryuichi Hashimoto. # Decrypt b25-encrypted-tv-video-ts-files # usage: COMMAND DIR SUFFIX CMD=${0##*/} Suffix='.decrypted' MediaInfoTxtPath=/tmp/mediainfo.txt function usage() { echo "usage: ${CMD} DIR SUFFIX" >&2 echo "Files of which extension is '.ts' are processed." >&2 echo "If no SUFFIX, '.decrypted' is default string." >&2 echo "Decrypt b25-encrypted-tv-video-ts-files in DIR recursively" >&2 echo "Decrypted file is saved in the same directory of encrypted file." >&2 echo "Filename of decrypted file is InfileSUFFIX.ts." >&2 exit 1 } ############ ### main ### ############ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "No arguement." >&2 usage exit 1 fi if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "Too many arguements." >&2 usage exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then Suffix=$2 fi Dir="${1%/}" if [ ! -d ${Dir} ]; then echo "${Dir} is not directory." >&2 usage exit 1 fi while read -d $'\0' File; do \mediainfo "${File}" > $MediaInfoTxtPath # Videoの文字列が含まれる最初の行の行番号を取得 LineVideo=`cat $MediaInfoTxtPath | grep -n -m 1 Video | sed -e "s/:.*$//"` # 先頭行からVideoの文字列が含まれる行までを削除 cat $MediaInfoTxtPath | sed -e "1,${LineVideo}d" > ${MediaInfoTxtPath}-2 # 最初の空行の行番号を取得 LineNL=`cat ${MediaInfoTxtPath}-2 | grep -n -P -m 1 "^$"| sed -e 's/:.*$//'` # 最初の空行から最終行までを削除しEncrypted文字列の有無を調べる cat ${MediaInfoTxtPath}-2 | sed -e "${LineNL},$ d" | grep -qs 'Encrypted' ResultCode=$? # ResultCode 0: matched 1: unmatched if [ $ResultCode -eq 1 ]; then # Encrypted文字列がなければ次のファイル処理に移る continue fi # b25を復号する b25 "${File}" "${File}"${Suffix}.ts ResultCode=$? if [ $ResultCode -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to decrypt b25 in ${File}." >&2 if [ -f "${File}"${Suffix}.ts ]; then \rm "${File}"${Suffix}.ts fi fi if [ -f "${File}"${Suffix}.ts ]; then \rm "${File}" fi done < <(\find "${Dir}"/ -name "*.ts" -print0) if [ -f ${MediaInfoTxtPath} ]; then \rm ${MediaInfoTxtPath}* fi exit 0