2021 Mar. 11.
2021 Feb. 20.
## Is another process of same name running? ## If there is a process that Both PID and PGID are different from this script' s, another process of same name as this process is running. ## Abort if another process of same name as this process is running. CmdPath="$0" # get GID of this process ProcList=$(ps ax -o pid,ppid,pgid) PidLines=$(echo "${ProcList}" | grep $$) Gid=$(echo "$PidLines" | awk -v Pid=$$ '{if ($1 == Pid) print $3}') # get PID that might be another process whose name is same as this script OtherPid=$(pgrep -fo "$CmdPath") # If OtherPid and Gid are different from this script's, another process is running. if [ $$ -ne $OtherPid ]; then OtherGid=$(echo "$ProcList" | awk -v Pid=$OtherPid '{if ($1 == Pid) print $3}') if [ $OtherGid -ne $Gid ]; then echo "Another ${CmdPath} is running." 1>&2 echo "Aborted." 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi